Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies are used alongside conventional treatments and are not intended as an alternative treatment. The therapies aim to help people to relax, reduce stress levels, alleviate the side effects of cancer treatments and enhance feelings of well-being. All our therapists are fully qualified and insured.  Additionally, with your permission, we always check with your General Practitioner that you are able to receive complementary therapies.

 Therapy sessions are available throughout the week and we can offer 6 therapies free of charge.  Additional therapies are available at a charge of £10 per treatment, with money raised being spent on necessary therapy equipment and associated items; helping us to treat greater numbers affected by cancer.

For more information on the type of complimentary therapies available or to book a session  please contact us on  01384 231232.

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Let us help

Get in touch with our friendly staff for more information about any of our services. Our office is open Monday to Friday 9AM-5PM. You can visit our contact page for details.